Gem Art Center 1.520.761.9907

The Fine Art of Gem Sculpture

Multi-award-winning gemstone sculptor Helen Serras-Herman artfully brings each gemstone she carves to life—breathing character and personality into each original piece. Her decades of devoted craftsmanship are evident in each gemstone she approaches. Each subtly carved shape and curve bring the stones to life for the wearer. Like the woman wearing her one-of-a-kind jewelry—each of Serras-Herman’s creations are as unforgettable as its owner.

Discover the breathtaking world of Helen Serras-Herman’s timeless gem sculptures and jewelry art available only through this remarkable artist, here at Gem Art Center.

Helen's new book

CARVED GEMS - Inspiration & Expertise

Just Released!

In this book, Helen Serras-Herman, an award-winning gem and jewelry artist and National Lapidary Hall of Fame Inductee, shares her passion for carved gems, the interconnection between fine art and the spell-bounding natural mineral world, and her personal journey, along with the challenges and joys of a gem artist’s life. Helen reflects on her sources of inspiration and influences from historical places, mines, gem materials, landscapes, flora, and ancient Greek mythological figures, sources that collectors may find expressive and fellow artists stimulating.

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About Gem Art Center

Helen carving lapis

Celebrated throughout the gemstone world, Helen has earned multiple awards over the years for her distinctive carved gemstones and jewelry, and has been featured in countless publications. With a Master’s Degree (MFA) in Sculpture and in Gemology (FGA), plus drawing and painting studies, her original work reflects beautifully on each of these disciplines.

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Meet the Artist

Meet the Artist

World traveler Helen Serras-Herman has developed a keen eye for the aesthetics everywhere she goes. Her distinctive work is intentionally timeless yet gives voice to a stylish modern jewelry collector. Take a closer look to examine the subtle nuanced way she carves each gemstone. No two items are alike --- and once sold, there will never be another one like it. That’s just the way she intends her collections to be.

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Gem Artists of North America
AGTA Member
Chesapeake Gem & Mineral Society
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